
Shell Foundation Sets Up Hubs for Coconut Products in Quezon

Thursday, December 19, 2019

PILIPINAS Shell Petroleum Corp.’s social investment arm Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Inc. (PSFI) has partnered with JNJ Oil Industries, Inc, a coconut oil processor, to provide coconut farmers in Quezon province more possible income streams from their harvest’s byproduct.   

Partners PSFI and JNJ Oil Industries, Inc. officially launched this year the Collaboration for Coconut Productivity and Nurturing Farmers’ Trade, or Project Coconut. The project helped open a production facility in Unisan, Quezon Province in April. A second facility located in Agdangan, Quezon was also opened in November. These hubs process copra into oil, oleochemicals, and biofuels, while the shells are also processed to produce beads for jewelry, household items, among others. These facilities are open to all coconut farmers in the two municipalities and neighboring areas.

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