Destinations of Coconut Oil Export in September
Thursday, December 17, 2020Export of coconut oil in September consisted of 56,675 MT of crude coconut oil, 16,368 MT of cochin (refined, bleached) oil, and 10,339 MT of RBD (refined, bleached and deodorized) oil. Combined value of the three oil types was USD75.555 million.
Europe remained leading destination with delivery of 31,928 MT of the three oil types combined, accounting for 38.3% of total. The US followed with 27,924 MT (33.5%), Indonesia 9,000 MT (10.8%), China 4,530 MT (5.4%), Malaysia 4,358 MT (5.2%), Japan 2,881 MT (3.5%), Sri Lanka 1,311 MT (1.6%).
Bulk of export to Europe was crude coconut oil which makes the continent top market for the oil. Import during the month was 31,444 MT (Netherlands 28,544, Spain 2,900). The US was second biggest buyer at 12,210 MT, trailed by Indonesia 9,000 MT, Malaysia 4,001 MT and Sri Lanka 20 MT. Cochin oil was shipped to only two countries: the US which took the bigger share at 13,501 MT, and Japan with 2,867 MT.
On the other hand, RBD coconut oil registered the highest number of outlets. Leading the pack was China with uptake at 4,530 MT, tracked by the US at 2,214 MT, Sri Lanka 1,291 MT, Singapore 629 MT, Europe 484 MT (Netherlands 429, Germany 21, Belgium 21, Bulgaria 13), Malaysia 357 MT, Taiwan 210 MT, South Africa 210 MT, Canada 108 MT, Argentina 80 MT, Vietnam 69 MT, and seven other countries with orders ranging 10-42 MT namely Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ecuador, Lebanon, Japan, Australia.